Agentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera spre vanzare o frumoasa pensiune turistica, „Moara Titului” din Arieseni.
Aceasta se compune din 4 corpuri de cladire, amplasate pe un teren cu suprafata totala de 1897 mp.
La strada sunt amplasate 3 dintre cladiri, respectiv Vila 1, 2 si 3, toate individuale. Dincolo de raul Aries care strabate terenul, se afla pensiunea propriu-zisa „Moara Titului”, cu un teren aferent de 1130 mp si pod de trecere peste apa.
Vila 1 este constructie din lemn, cu fundatie de beton armat, masoara o suprafata utila de 60 mp. Se compune din parter si mansarda. La parter se afla amenajata bucataria cu loc de luat masa, dormitor, baie cu cada si terasa generoasa. Mansarda cuprinde un dormitor matrimonial, baie proprie, chicineta si un loc de dormit suplimentar la mezanin. De asemenea, dispune de balcon generos cu priveliste superba spre padurea de brazi inalti.
Vila 2 este constructie din BCA, izolata la exterior, cu fundatie din beton armat, dispusa pe 3 nivele: demisol, parter si mansarda. Masoara o suprafata utila de 130 mp. La demisol se afla o garsoniera open space cu bucatarie si baie proprie, camera tehnica si o terasa acoperita.
Parterul vilei cuprinde living cu bucatarie open space, dormitor, baie cu dus si o terasa spatioasa cu acces din living. Mansarda cuprinde 2 dormitoare, ambele cu acces la baia spatioasa cu dus.
Ambele vile dispun de curte proprie cu acces auto, filigorie si loc de gratar amenajate pe malul apei.
Vila 3 este de fapt o garsoniera cocheta si rustica din lemn, 20 mp, dotata cu camera, bucatarie si baie proprie. De asemenea, dispune de loc de parcare in fata si o mica terasa acoperita, impanzita de multa verdeata, arbusti ornamentali si plante cataratoare.
Pensiunea masoara o suprafata generoasa de 613 mp, compusa din parter, 2 etaje si mansarda pe 2 nivele.
Este constructie din lemn si piatra, cu fundatie din beton armat.
Parterul are destinatia de restaurant, amenajat cu sala de servire, bar, bucatarie cu utilaje profesionale de gatit, birou, depozit, grupuri sanitare.
Etajul 1 si 2 cuprind:
- 2 apartamente
- 2 camere pentru 2 persoane
- 2 camere pentru 4 persoane
- terase multiple cu suprafete generoase, cu acces direct din camere.
Mansarda este un apartament privat, pe 2 nivele, compus din 2 dormitoare, 2 bai, living cu bucatarie tip bar si loc de luat masa, 2 terase, cate una la fiecare nivel.
In curtea pensiunii se mai afla o terasa inchisa de 100 mp, open space, dotata cu grill, cuptor pentru paine si pizza, loc pentru ceaun. Are sistem de incalzire propriu, cu soba de teracota si calorifere.
Tot in curtea pensiunii este disponibila o filigorie deschisa cu gratar si loc de luat masa, iaz pentru pastravi, loc de joaca pentru copii.
La strada, imediat dupa podul pietonal peste apa, sunt disponibile locuri de parcare private pentru pensiune.
Toate unitatile de cazare sunt complet mobilate si utilate, inclusiv cu lenjerii de pat, vesela, tacamuri, electrocasnice. Mobilierul din toate cele 4 unitati de cazare este din lemn de carpen, facut la comanda, cu un design rustic si deosebit.
Utilitatile de care dispune proprietatea sunt: curent trifazic, incalzire cu centrale pe lemn cu ardere inversa (2 centrale), apa de la retea, fosa septica. In prezent, este posibila si racordarea la reteaua de canalizare a localitatii.
Arieseni este o statiune turistica care atrage turisti pe toata durata anului. In sezonul de iarna, atractia principala sunt partiile de schi de la Vartop.
Pentru sezonul mai cald, obiectivele turistice din localitate și din apropiere sunt: Ghetarul Vartop, Pestera Coiba Mare, Varful Bihorul, Varful Piatra Graitoare, Varful Taul Mare, Cascada Bucinis, Cascada Varciorog, Muzeul Patrahaitesti, Groapa Ruginoasa, Ghetarul Scarisoara, Cetatile Ponorului, Izbucul Tauz, Pestera Poarta lui Ionele etc.
Pretul de vanzare pentru aceasta pensiune turistica din Arieseni este de 670000 euro.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0770 573 693 – Raluca Legman.
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
The real estate agency D`Art Imob offers for sale a beautiful guesthouse, „Moara Titului” from Arieseni.
It consists of 4 building bodies, located on a plot of land with a total area of 1897 square meters.
3 of the buildings are located on the street, respectively Villa 1, 2 and 3, all individual. Beyond the Aries river that crosses the land is the „Moara Titului” guesthouse, with a related land of 1130 sqm and a bridge over the water.
Villa 1 is a wooden construction, with a reinforced concrete foundation, it measures a usable area of 60 square meters. It consists of a ground floor and attic. On the ground floor there is a fitted kitchen with dining area, a bedroom, a bathroom with bathtub and a generous terrace. The attic includes a master bedroom, private bathroom, kitchenette and an additional sleeping place on the mezzanine. It also has a generous balcony with a superb view of the tall fir forest.
Villa 2 is a cellular concrete brick construction, insulated on the outside, with a reinforced concrete foundation, arranged on 3 levels: mezzanine, ground floor and attic. It measures a usable area of 130 square meters. In the basement there is an open space studio with kitchen and bathroom, technical room and a covered terrace.
The ground floor of the villa includes a living room with open space kitchen, bedroom, bathroom with shower and a spacious terrace with access from the living room. The attic includes 2 bedrooms, both with access to the spacious bathroom with shower.
Both villas have their own yard with car access, filigree and barbecue area set up on the water’s shore.
Villa 3 is actually a chic and rustic wooden studio, 20 square meters, equipped with a room, kitchen and private bathroom. It also has a parking space in front and a small covered terrace, planted with lots of greenery, ornamental shrubs and climbing plants.
The guesthouse measures a generous area of 613 square meters, consisting of a ground floor, 2 floors and a 2-level attic.
It is a wood and stone construction, with a reinforced concrete foundation.
The ground floor has the destination of a restaurant, furnished with a serving room, bar, kitchen with professional cooking equipment, office, warehouse, sanitary facilities.
Floor 1 and 2 include:
2 apartments
2 rooms for 2 people
2 rooms for 4 people
multiple terraces with generous surfaces, with direct access from the rooms.
The attic is a private apartment, on 2 levels, composed of 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room with bar kitchen and dining area, 2 terraces, one on each level.
In the courtyard of the guesthouse there is a closed terrace of 100 square meters, open space, equipped with a grill, oven for bread and pizza, place for a kettle. It has its own heating system, with a terracotta stove and radiators.
Also in the courtyard of the pension there is an open filigree with barbecue and dining area, trout pond, playground for children.
On the street, immediately after the pedestrian bridge over the water, private parking spaces are available for the guesthouse.
All accommodation units are fully furnished and equipped, including bed linen, crockery, cutlery, household appliances. The furniture in all 4 accommodation units is made of hornbeam wood, made to order, with a rustic and special design.
The utilities available to the property are: three-phase electricity, heating with wood-burning boilers with reverse combustion (2 boilers), mains water, septic tank. Currently, it is also possible to connect to the locality’s sewerage network.
Arieseni is a tourist resort that attracts tourists all year round. In the winter season, the main attraction is the ski slopes at Vartop.
For the warmer season, the tourist attractions in the locality and nearby are: Vartop Glacier, Coiba Mare Cave, Bihorul Peak, Piatra Graitoare Peak, Taul Mare Peak, Bucinis Waterfall, Varciorog Waterfall, Patrahitesti Museum, Groapa Ruginoasa, Scarisoara Glacier, Ponorului Citadels, Izbucul Tauz, Poarta lui Ionele Cave etc.
The sale price for this tourist guesthouse in Arieseni is 670,000 euros.
For additional information on this property, you can contact us at:
Phone No .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman.
Or the contact section of our website:
Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob.